CMIC 2012

Green Conference, Green China”-themed Welcoming Banquet

Time: 18:00-20:00, Nov. 29, 2012
Location: Hall B, Fourth Floor, China National Convention Center (CNCC)

People who are active in all facets of the meetings industry gathered together at the evening banquet, and the atmosphere was pushed to a high level by live songs sung by Mr. Jin Bo, the first person doing his solo music concert in the Bird’s Nest. Besides, famous painter Ms. Li Fang attended the banquet, and donated a painting to the CMIC 2012 Committee, which was followed by China Green Foundation conferring Ms. Li the certificate of image ambassador to CMIC. Afterwards, the Committee called on all attendees to join the fund-raising activity by sending mobile telephone messages, with a view to making due contributions to the development of “Green Conference, Green China’ initiative.


Throughout the evening banquet, highlights emerged one after another. Splendid performances won audiences’ applauses intermittently, bringing down the house.

  • Speech being Delivered by Wang Qingdao, Secretary General of China Meetings Industry Convention

  • Speech being Delivered by Leaders
    of China Green Foundation

  • Award for People of the Year
    2012 in China’s Meetings Industry

  • Award for Most Popular Conference Destination Cities 2012

  • Award for Best Green Conference Destination City 2012

  • Award for Most Popular Conference Centers 2012

  • Award for Most Popular Conference Hotels 2012

  • Award for Most Popular Green Professional Conference Firms 2012

  • Award for Most Popular Professional Conference Firms 2012

  • Award for Best Green Conference Organizations 2012

  • Award for Special Contributions Done to China’s Meetings Industry 2012

  • Li Fang(Painter) Donating A Product to the CMIC Committee

  • Certification of Image Ambassador to Green Cause initiated by China Green Foundation

  • Lottery

  • Awards Granting

  • Award Winners Receiving
    Awards on Stage

  • Lottery

  • Awards Granting

  • Lottery

  • Photo of Prize Winners Being Taken

  • 一等奖iphone 获奖嘉宾
    奖品由 手机APP服务商捷会通提供

  • Excellent Performance by Lianshangxian Girl Band

  • Excellent Performance by Shichahai-Kongfu Panda

  • Excellent Performance by
    Shichahai-Kongfu Panda

  • Excellent Performance
    by “香草香草”

  • Excellent Performance
    by “香草香草”

  • Song Being Sung by Jin Bo

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